

Video-essay produced from homonymous proposal made by Collective Demolición/Construcción (Argentina):

"For guests and spectators in general, it begins with a private action that lasted some weeks and is registered in pictures. We called workers and students that worked in the demolition. It consisted on moving away the tiles of two rooms - as habitually, when we recover all the possible material before demolishing - and enumerating the recovered pieces and wraped them carefully. Later we piled up them (as kind of publications) in the rooms where they were installed before, so they could be taken by who wanted to participate of the project returning (answering) the question that was printed in the wrapping: 'WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT A 20x20cm CALCAREOUS TILE?'."

(That text was extracted from the blog of the Collective Demolición/Construcción - D/C. For more informations, click here.)


XEPA in II Short Movies Festival in Museum Spilimbergo - Unquillo, Córdoba, Argentina (2008 December 7)

The II Festival de Cortos of Unquillo will present in the external garden of Museum Spilimbergo, at Sunday night (December 7), five short movies from local directors and two video works from Xepa:

Penetrável (Penetrable)
(2007, video-performance, 4'10'', widescreen)
Concept, performance and direction: Marcelino Peixoto
Camera and edition: Viviane Gandra
Importancia de las Cosas (Importance of Things)
(2008, video-essay, 10'00'', widescreen)
Concept, action, camera and edition: Viviane Gandra
For more informations about the programming of the Festival click here.


XEPA in VIDEOFEST (Chateau Carreras Contemporary Art Center, Córdoba, Argentina): 2008 November 28-30

VideoFest is a meeting to audiovisual experiences. It is born in Cordoba (Argentina) as a possibility to share points of view, production ways, knowledge and aesthetics, in an exchange between artists and public.
Xepa is present, participating of the video programming with Importancia de las Cosas (Importance of Things), a 10’ video-essay accomplished in Unquillo (Cordoba, Argentina) in 2008 August.

More information about the Festival:



Deformes in Valdivia: November 22, Saturday, Museum of Contemporary Art

Performance by Coletivo Leibniz (Isabella Di Colla, Helen Spackman, Ernst Fischer), England/Italy (photos V.G. - Xepa):

Performance by Alvaro Pereda - Alperoa, Chile (photo V.G. - Xepa):

XEPA in II Performance International Biennial - DEFORMES 2008: Valdivia > collective action (series Excessos)

November 22
XEPA's collective action - Los Molinos Beach (Valdivia).
Artists that participated: David Khang (Korea/Canada), Dorothea Rust (Switzerland), Efi Ben David (Israel), Francisca Tironi (Chile), Monika Klingler (Switzerland) [foto2], Morgan O'Hara (USA/Italy) [foto 1], Perpetua Rodriguez (Chile), Vasan Sitthiket (Thailand), Viviane Gandra (Brazil/Argentina)[foto 2].
[Photos: Perpetua Rodriguez]


Deformes in Valdivia: November 21, Friday, Museum of Contemporary Art

Performance by Morgan O'Hara, USA/Italy (photos V.G. - Xepa):

Performance by Monika Klingler, Switzerland (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by David Khang, Korea/Canada (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by Livia Caputo, Italy (photo Francisca Tironi):

XEPA in II Performance International Biennial DEFORMES 2008 in Valdivia: meeting with students

We (XEPA) were - between 11 and 14 o’clock - at Philosophy and Humanities School / Chile Southern University in a meeting with students and professionals from that school and from the Visual Arts School of the same University.

The content presented as dialogue starting point was a summarized panorama of Coletivo Xepa's path and our strategies of work and/or of circulation of images and actions. For that, besides photographic collection, two videos were exhibited: Permeable 4 (video-essay, 2007) and El los Precio Ladrillos no se Pelea (short documentation version of homonymous action accomplished in 2007 in Paseo del Buen Pastor - Córdoba, Argentina - as part of Parabrisas Project's programming, inside of Mercosur's Teather Festival).


XEPA in II Performance International Biennial DEFORMES 2008 in Valdivia: video exhibition

Importancia de las Cosas (Importance of Things) was presented at 21:30h o'clock in the external patio of Visual Arts School / Chile Southern University, after two films directed by Fabrizio Di Carlo (Collective Leibniz, Italy), as part of programming of II Performance International Biennial DEFORMES 2008 in Valdivia.
[Image: video still, Xepa]

Deformes in Valdivia: November 20, Thursday, Museum of Contemporary Art

Performance (end) by Johannes Zits, Canada (photo V.G. - Xepa):
Performance by Monika Günther e Ruedi Schill, Switzerland (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by Irene Loughlin, Canada (photos V.G. - Xepa):

Performance by Cheto Castellano, Chile/USA (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by Francisca Tironi, Chile (photo from artist's collection):


Deformes in Valdivia: November 19, Wednesday, Museum of Contemporary Art

Performance by Dorothea Rust, Switzerland (photo V.G. - Xepa):
Performance by Efi Ben David, Israel (photo V.G. - Xepa):
Performance by Vasan Sitthiket and Perpetua Rodriguez, Thailand (photo V.G. - Xepa):

(IV) Trip Notes DEFORMES 2008: Valdivia> visit to La Niebla's fort

Valdivia’s system of forts is in the bay of Corral, close to the city of Valdivia, in the south coast of Chile.
Known as "Key of the SouthSea", it is one of the largest systems of Spanish America’s colonial fortifications. Its function was to defend the marine access to the city of Valdivia against foreign colonial potencies, pirates and corsairs, and also to serve as base for the Spanish embarkations that made Cabo Horn route.
(Source: Wikipédia)


Deformes in Valdivia: November 18, Tuesday, Museum of Contemporary Art

Performance by Vida Simón, Canada (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by Rachel Echenberg, Canada (photo Francisca Tironi):
Performance by Beni Kori, Israel (photo V.G., Xepa):

Deformes 2008

(III) Trip Notes DEFORMES 2008: Valdivia> on the city and its almost-disappearance in 1960

[Photos: bridge and remains of constructions - Calle-Calle River]

Valdivia is a city and commune in Chile, capital of the province with same name, located in Los Ríos' (The Rivers’) Area. It has a population of 140.559 inhabitants and a surface of 1.016 km². The city is located between the rivers Calle-Calle, Valdivia and Cau-Cau.

Valdivia was one of the most affected cities by the Great Earthquake of Chile (1960 May 22), registering 9.5 points in Richter scale, what made it the stronger earthquake in the history of humanity. People consider that the city has sunk about two meters after the phenomenon.

(Source: Wikipédia)


(I) trip Notes DEFORMES 2008: Valdívia> transit Brazil-Argentina-Chile

[Photo: from Córdoba, almost arriving to Mendoza]
"Without Marcelino, without Marco Paulo, I left the bus station of Córdoba (Argentina) at 10:30 PM yesterday, Sunday. I’m going to the city of Valdívia, south of Chile, where the second module of the Biennial began already (it was in Santiago from 4 to 15 and in Valdívia from 15 to 22). I will arrive in the bus station in that city full of floods/disappearance and reappearance/ruins histories at 6 PM in the Tuesday morning, 18.

As Marcelino said, all our process of administration exercises to go to Chile constitutes, in a quite dense way, a DISPLACEMENT - one of the focuses of the Biennial coordinated by Gonzalo Rabanal, Chilean artist and art manager.

With Marco Paulo Rolla and Marcelino Peixoto and later with Marcelino (always with Marcelo Márquez, our great collaborator), we lived every kind of situations - some bureaucratic ones, other practices, other extremely affective - and humors, we suffered together each change and/or adaptation in the plans until, for good sense exercise and perception of 'finishing', to verify that we would not be in Chile now. Therefore the potency exercise came later, something about ‘to do what you can with what you have’ (Xepa’s key spirit), and then, after adding each portion of resources that each one of the two had (and what we didn't have), I follow by bus to Valdívia, lonely and well accompanied, with a lot of presence disposition and almost any patience.

We left (I use the plural because it’s Xepa who is travelling) with the commitment of to exhibit in Valdívia some of the video works and to accomplish a speech with local students and artists about Xepa’s workpieces and strategies of action. The project of the action/intervention proposed and approved before - construction of ruins through the action from the series Construction and Fall of Bodies - won't be accomplished, at least not now, for lack of infrastructure (actually the Biennial is happening through the sum of resources and supports gotten by each artist invited, through own administration in her/his respective original country).

Xepa in transit.

V.G ".


Xepa (Carlos Trovão, Marcelino Peixoto and Margarida Campos) in SPA of Arts in Recife, Brasil – 2008 September 7-14

In SPA of Arts, Xepa presents a project of urban intervention that problematizes the relationship between the material and its destruction. Construction and fall of bodies - action that is part of homonymous series - is organized from the tensions established by sliding strategies: from construction to the ruining, from balance to the tumbling, from presence to the disappearance. From that points come the quality of this project, that moves the artistic object from the visibility field to the field of the absence, maintaining, however, the traces of its passage through the urban and daily domain, transforming the city of Recife in a support.

Accomplished in Argentina in 2007 - with the title El precio de los ladrillos no se pelea (The price of the bricks cannot be fought), in Paseo del Buen Pastor, Córdoba, as part of Mercosul Theatre Festival programming - and foreseen to be presented in 2nd Biennial International of Performance / 2008 LatinAmerican Circuit – ‘Nomadismo, Cuerpo y Ciudad: desplazamientos y desplazados’ (Nomadism, Body and City: displacements and displaced) – in November of this year in Chile, the series of actions Construction and fall of bodies has in SPA of Arts of Recife 2008 its first occurrence instance in Brazil. We believe that its unpublished character reinforces the symbolic effectiveness of the proposed intervention, that call the public space as a physical and human component of the forms that will be built. Using procedures and usual, ordinary and elementary technical resources of construction - the brick and the body that carries it and piles up it - this action subverts their functional use in a performance marked by the singular poetic of a workpiece that overflows: in the place of the durability and resistance, it brings the excess and the debris.

Construction and fall of the bodies is the action where the members of XEPA work for something like two hours building walls of bricks that tumble when arrive in their balance limit. To each fall it is begun the construction of a new wall that also aims the fall. At the end of 3.000 bricks, it remains the trace of the action - an action that, in the act of building, ends building a ruin.

1 – Build a wall with bricks made of burned clay;
2 - Pile up the bricks until its force line disrupt itself;
3 - Leave the to tumble down;

4 - Begin to build another wall and repeat the items 1, 2 and 3 until finish the bricks.


I Graffitti International Biennial

2008 August 27: André Lima (Deco), in partnership with Xepa - Carlos Trovão, Marcelino Peixoto, Margarida Campos, Viviane Gandra.

Photography: Viviane Gandra



XEPA - collective of studies about that everything - was selected for SPA of Artes/2008, in Recife (Brasil).

17 artists were selected among names from Pernambuco and other Brazilian states as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Alagoas, Distrito Federal and Santa Catarina. Six of them were contemplated for Incentive to Artistic Residence and 11 received the Incentive to Production.

The interventions will happen in all the city during SPA of Arts Recife 2008, that happens in September 7-14. The event is an accomplishment of the Recife’s Ministry and Foundation of Culture in partnership with the Society of Friends of Aloísio Magalhães Modern Art Museum.

Construction and fall of bodies:

In that action the members of XEPA work for something like two hours building walls of bricks that tumble when arrive in their balance limit. To each fall it is begun the construction of a new wall that also aims the fall. At the end of three thousand bricks, it remains the trace of the action - an action that, in the act of building, ends building a ruin.

Period: September 13 or 14, 10-13h or 16-19h

Place: to be defined


Pareja is a workpiece that intends to produce dialogues about/between presence and absence, connections with the fullness and the lack.