Video-essay produced from homonymous proposal made by Collective Demolición/Construcción (Argentina):
"For guests and spectators in general, it begins with a private action that lasted some weeks and is registered in pictures. We called workers and students that worked in the demolition. It consisted on moving away the tiles of two rooms - as habitually, when we recover all the possible material before demolishing - and enumerating the recovered pieces and wraped them carefully. Later we piled up them (as kind of publications) in the rooms where they were installed before, so they could be taken by who wanted to participate of the project returning (answering) the question that was printed in the wrapping: 'WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT A 20x20cm CALCAREOUS TILE?'."
(That text was extracted from the blog of the Collective Demolición/Construcción - D/C. For more informations, click here.)