XEPA - collective of studies about that everything - was selected for SPA of Artes/2008, in Recife (Brasil).
17 artists were selected among names from Pernambuco and other Brazilian states as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Alagoas, Distrito Federal and Santa Catarina. Six of them were contemplated for Incentive to Artistic Residence and 11 received the Incentive to Production.
The interventions will happen in all the city during SPA of Arts Recife 2008, that happens in September 7-14. The event is an accomplishment of the Recife’s Ministry and Foundation of Culture in partnership with the Society of Friends of Aloísio Magalhães Modern Art Museum.
Construction and fall of bodies:
In that action the members of XEPA work for something like two hours building walls of bricks that tumble when arrive in their balance limit. To each fall it is begun the construction of a new wall that also aims the fall. At the end of three thousand bricks, it remains the trace of the action - an action that, in the act of building, ends building a ruin.
Period: September 13 or 14, 10-13h or 16-19h
Place: to be defined